Wednesday, March 4, 2015

JSFL to update text type(input/static/dynamic) and font face of Textfield

// This code modified by Nitin, copyright 2015.
// Modified code found at:
// Original code found at:


var doChangeStaticToDynamic = true;
var updateFontName = "Arial"
var outStr = "Fixing textfields for proper output.\nNOTE: This will only affect objects held in the library (or instances of them).\n\n";
var testDoc;

// cycle through all open documents:
for (doc in fl.documents)
    outStr += "Document: " + fl.documents[doc].name + "\n";
    // set TextField defaults in this doc:

fl.trace( outStr );

// -------------------------------------------------------

// auxillary function:
function getIsWholeInt(n)
    var s = String(n);
    if(s.indexOf(".") != -1)
        return false;
        return true;

// auxillary function:
function round(n)
    var s = String(n);
    var a = s.split(".");
    var num = parseInt(a[0]);
    var dec = parseInt(a[1].substr(0, 1));
    if(dec >= 5)
    return num;

 * Scans the supplied flash library for linked classes and makes sure the textfields are set up properly
 * @param   library     A flash library to scan.
function scanLibrary(library)
    // outStr += "Scanning textfields";
    // loop variables:
    var item, timeline, layerCnt, frameCnt, elems, elemCnt, matX, tx, matY, ty;
    var items = library.items;
    var replaceCount = 0;
    // for each item in the library:
    for( var i = 0; i < items.length; i++ )
        item = items[i];
        //outStr += "item: " + item.itemType + "\n"
        // dig into any MCs:
        if (item.itemType == "movie clip" || item.itemType == "graphic" )
            // store current timeline:
            timeline = item.timeline;
            // store total number of layers:
            layerCnt = timeline.layerCount;
            // set up editing mode:
            // cycle through all layers within this timeline:
                // store total frames
                frameCnt = timeline.layers[layerCnt].frameCount;
                // cycle through all frames within this layer:
                    // store elements array:
                    elems = timeline.layers[layerCnt].frames[frameCnt].elements;
                    // store total number of elements in this frame:
                    elemCnt = elems.length;
                    // cycle through all elements within this frame:
                        // process any text type element:
                        if( elems[elemCnt].elementType == "text" )
                            outStr += "\t Found a textfield: "
                            + ((elems[elemCnt].name == "") ? "{no name}" : elems[elemCnt].name);
       elems[elemCnt].setTextAttr("face", updateFontName);
                            //Change the static TextFields to dynamic
                            if( elems[elemCnt].textType == "static" )
                                if( !doChangeStaticToDynamic)
                                    outStr += ".  Ignoring this static TextField.\n";
                                    //skip this iteration (element)
                                    outStr += ". (Switching this static TextField type to dynamic.)\n";
                                    // change text type to dynamic:
                                    elems[elemCnt].textType = "dynamic";
                            outStr += "\t Text type: " + elems[elemCnt].textType + "\n";
                            if(elems[elemCnt].textType == "dynamic")
                                //Remove the ability to be selectable
                                elems[elemCnt].selectable = false;
                            // This section applies to all dynamic or input TextFields
                            // Remove the auto kern attribute
                            elems[elemCnt].setTextAttr('autoKern', false);
                            // Embed fonts UpperCase, LowerCase, Numerals, Punctuation
                            // This can be fine tuned to get a smaller font set.
                            elems[elemCnt].embedRanges = "1|2|3|4";
                            // Pop onto whole pixel
                            // not sure that two assignments are needed:
                            matX = elems[elemCnt].matrix;
                            tx = matX.tx;
                                matX.tx = round(tx);
                                elems[elemCnt].matrix = matX;
                            // Can this be combined with the 'x' section?
                            matY = elems[elemCnt].matrix;
                            ty = matY.ty;
                                matY.ty = round(ty);
                                elems[elemCnt].matrix = matY;


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