Saturday, October 3, 2009

How can you disable mouse-wheel scroll in TextArea component - AS3.0

Recently had a requirement to disable mouseWheel scroll in textArea component in Flash CS4.0 using AS3.0.

It does not get disable by using below statement :

myTxt.textField.mouseWheelEnabled = false;

You also need to stop propagation of that event.

myTxt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, disableMouseHandler, true);

function disableMouseHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {

You need to add both the above codes together to disable mouseWheel.

Click Here to get source files.

Using FormBuilder, Validators & FormGroup in Angular 2 to post data to Node server (node.js)

This blog explains usage of  FormBuilder , Validators , FormGroup classes in Angular 2 projects. In this post we will create HTML form a...